123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121 |
- 'use strict'
- var url = require('url')
- var gitHosts = require('./git-host-info.js')
- var GitHost = module.exports = require('./git-host.js')
- var protocolToRepresentationMap = {
- 'git+ssh': 'sshurl',
- 'git+https': 'https',
- 'ssh': 'sshurl',
- 'git': 'git'
- }
- function protocolToRepresentation (protocol) {
- if (protocol.substr(-1) === ':') protocol = protocol.slice(0, -1)
- return protocolToRepresentationMap[protocol] || protocol
- }
- var authProtocols = {
- 'git:': true,
- 'https:': true,
- 'git+https:': true,
- 'http:': true,
- 'git+http:': true
- }
- var cache = {}
- module.exports.fromUrl = function (giturl, opts) {
- var key = giturl + JSON.stringify(opts || {})
- if (!(key in cache)) {
- cache[key] = fromUrl(giturl, opts)
- }
- return cache[key]
- }
- function fromUrl (giturl, opts) {
- if (giturl == null || giturl === '') return
- var url = fixupUnqualifiedGist(
- isGitHubShorthand(giturl) ? 'github:' + giturl : giturl
- )
- var parsed = parseGitUrl(url)
- var shortcutMatch = url.match(new RegExp('^([^:]+):(?:(?:[^@:]+(?:[^@]+)?@)?([^/]*))[/](.+?)(?:[.]git)?($|#)'))
- var matches = Object.keys(gitHosts).map(function (gitHostName) {
- try {
- var gitHostInfo = gitHosts[gitHostName]
- var auth = null
- if (parsed.auth && authProtocols[parsed.protocol]) {
- auth = decodeURIComponent(parsed.auth)
- }
- var committish = parsed.hash ? decodeURIComponent(parsed.hash.substr(1)) : null
- var user = null
- var project = null
- var defaultRepresentation = null
- if (shortcutMatch && shortcutMatch[1] === gitHostName) {
- user = shortcutMatch[2] && decodeURIComponent(shortcutMatch[2])
- project = decodeURIComponent(shortcutMatch[3])
- defaultRepresentation = 'shortcut'
- } else {
- if (parsed.host !== gitHostInfo.domain) return
- if (!gitHostInfo.protocols_re.test(parsed.protocol)) return
- if (!parsed.path) return
- var pathmatch = gitHostInfo.pathmatch
- var matched = parsed.path.match(pathmatch)
- if (!matched) return
- if (matched[1] != null) user = decodeURIComponent(matched[1].replace(/^:/, ''))
- if (matched[2] != null) project = decodeURIComponent(matched[2])
- defaultRepresentation = protocolToRepresentation(parsed.protocol)
- }
- return new GitHost(gitHostName, user, auth, project, committish, defaultRepresentation, opts)
- } catch (ex) {
- if (!(ex instanceof URIError)) throw ex
- }
- }).filter(function (gitHostInfo) { return gitHostInfo })
- if (matches.length !== 1) return
- return matches[0]
- }
- function isGitHubShorthand (arg) {
- // Note: This does not fully test the git ref format.
- // See https://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-check-ref-format.html
- //
- // The only way to do this properly would be to shell out to
- // git-check-ref-format, and as this is a fast sync function,
- // we don't want to do that. Just let git fail if it turns
- // out that the commit-ish is invalid.
- // GH usernames cannot start with . or -
- return /^[^:@%/\s.-][^:@%/\s]*[/][^:@\s/%]+(?:#.*)?$/.test(arg)
- }
- function fixupUnqualifiedGist (giturl) {
- // necessary for round-tripping gists
- var parsed = url.parse(giturl)
- if (parsed.protocol === 'gist:' && parsed.host && !parsed.path) {
- return parsed.protocol + '/' + parsed.host
- } else {
- return giturl
- }
- }
- function parseGitUrl (giturl) {
- if (typeof giturl !== 'string') giturl = '' + giturl
- var matched = giturl.match(/^([^@]+)@([^:/]+):[/]?((?:[^/]+[/])?[^/]+?)(?:[.]git)?(#.*)?$/)
- if (!matched) return url.parse(giturl)
- return {
- protocol: 'git+ssh:',
- slashes: true,
- auth: matched[1],
- host: matched[2],
- port: null,
- hostname: matched[2],
- hash: matched[4],
- search: null,
- query: null,
- pathname: '/' + matched[3],
- path: '/' + matched[3],
- href: 'git+ssh://' + matched[1] + '@' + matched[2] +
- '/' + matched[3] + (matched[4] || '')
- }
- }