/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Tobias Koppers @sokra */ var path = require("path"); var loaderUtils = require("loader-utils"); module.exports = function(content) { this.cacheable && this.cacheable(); if(!this.emitFile) throw new Error("emitFile is required from module system"); var query = loaderUtils.getOptions(this) || {}; var configKey = query.config || "fileLoader"; var options = this.options[configKey] || {}; var config = { publicPath: undefined, useRelativePath: false, name: "[hash].[ext]" }; // options takes precedence over config Object.keys(options).forEach(function(attr) { config[attr] = options[attr]; }); // query takes precedence over config and options Object.keys(query).forEach(function(attr) { config[attr] = query[attr]; }); var context = config.context || this.options.context; var url = loaderUtils.interpolateName(this, config.name, { context: context, content: content, regExp: config.regExp }); var outputPath = ""; var filePath = this.resourcePath; if (config.useRelativePath) { var issuerContext = this._module && this._module.issuer && this._module.issuer.context || context; var relativeUrl = issuerContext && path.relative(issuerContext, filePath).split(path.sep).join("/"); var relativePath = relativeUrl && path.dirname(relativeUrl) + "/"; if (~relativePath.indexOf("../")) { outputPath = path.posix.join(outputPath, relativePath, url); } else { outputPath = relativePath + url; } url = relativePath + url; } else if (config.outputPath) { // support functions as outputPath to generate them dynamically outputPath = ( typeof config.outputPath === "function" ? config.outputPath(url) : config.outputPath + url ); url = outputPath; } else { outputPath = url; } var publicPath = "__webpack_public_path__ + " + JSON.stringify(url); if (config.publicPath !== undefined) { // support functions as publicPath to generate them dynamically publicPath = JSON.stringify( typeof config.publicPath === "function" ? config.publicPath(url) : config.publicPath + url ); } if (query.emitFile === undefined || query.emitFile) { this.emitFile(outputPath, content); } return "module.exports = " + publicPath + ";"; }; module.exports.raw = true;