'use strict'; var fs = require('fs'); var os = require('os'); var path = require('path'); var rimraf = require('rimraf'); // added node .10 // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21698906/how-to-check-if-a-path-is-absolute-or-relative/30714706#30714706 function isAbsolute(dir) { return path.normalize(dir + path.sep) === path.normalize(path.resolve(dir) + path.sep); } function upperCaseWindowsRoot(dir) { var splitPath = dir.split(path.sep); splitPath[0] = splitPath[0].toUpperCase(); return splitPath.join(path.sep); } function CleanWebpackPlugin(paths, options) { //backwards compatibility if (typeof options === 'string') { options = { root: options } } options = options || {}; if (options.verbose === undefined) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test') { options.verbose = false; } else { options.verbose = true; } } options.allowExternal = options.allowExternal || false; if (options.dry === undefined) { options.dry = false; } // determine webpack root options.root = options.root || path.dirname(module.parent.filename); // allows for a single string entry if (typeof paths == 'string' || paths instanceof String) { paths = [paths]; } // store paths and options this.paths = paths; this.options = options; } var clean = function() { var _this = this; var results = []; var workingDir; var dirName; var projectRootDir; var webpackDir; // exit if no paths passed in if (_this.paths === void 0) { results.push({ path: _this.paths, output: 'nothing to clean' }); return results; } if (!isAbsolute(_this.options.root)) { _this.options.verbose && console.warn( 'clean-webpack-plugin: ' + _this.options.root + ' project root must be an absolute path. Skipping all...'); results.push({ path: _this.options.root, output: 'project root must be an absolute path' }); return results; } workingDir = process.cwd(); dirName = __dirname; projectRootDir = path.resolve(_this.options.root); webpackDir = path.dirname(module.parent.filename); if (os.platform() === 'win32') { workingDir = upperCaseWindowsRoot(workingDir); dirName = upperCaseWindowsRoot(dirName); projectRootDir = upperCaseWindowsRoot(projectRootDir); webpackDir = upperCaseWindowsRoot(webpackDir); } // preform an rm -rf on each path _this.paths.forEach(function(rimrafPath) { rimrafPath = path.resolve(_this.options.root, rimrafPath); if (os.platform() === 'win32') { rimrafPath = upperCaseWindowsRoot(rimrafPath); } // disallow deletion any directories outside of root path. if (rimrafPath.indexOf(projectRootDir) < 0 && !_this.options.allowExternal) { _this.options.verbose && console.warn( 'clean-webpack-plugin: ' + rimrafPath + ' is outside of the project root. Skipping...'); results.push({ path: rimrafPath, output: 'must be inside the project root' }); return; } if (rimrafPath === projectRootDir) { _this.options.verbose && console.warn( 'clean-webpack-plugin: ' + rimrafPath + ' is equal to project root. Skipping...'); results.push({ path: rimrafPath, output: 'is equal to project root' }); return; } if (rimrafPath === webpackDir) { _this.options.verbose && console.warn('clean-webpack-plugin: ' + rimrafPath + ' would delete webpack. Skipping...'); results.push({ path: rimrafPath, output: 'would delete webpack' }); return; } if (rimrafPath === dirName || rimrafPath === workingDir) { _this.options.verbose && console.log('clean-webpack-plugin: ' + rimrafPath + ' is working directory. Skipping...'); results.push({ path: rimrafPath, output: 'is working directory' }); return; } var childrenAfterExcluding = []; var excludedChildren = []; if (_this.options.exclude && _this.options.exclude.length) { try { var pathStat = fs.statSync(rimrafPath); if (pathStat.isDirectory()) { childrenAfterExcluding = fs.readdirSync(rimrafPath) .filter(function(childFile) { var include = _this.options.exclude.indexOf(childFile) < 0; if (!include) { excludedChildren.push(childFile); } return include; }) .map(function(file) { var fullPath = path.join(rimrafPath, file); if (os.platform() === 'win32') { fullPath = upperCaseWindowsRoot(fullPath); } return fullPath; }); } if (_this.options.exclude.indexOf('.') >= 0) { excludedChildren.push('.'); } } catch (e) { childrenAfterExcluding = []; } } if (_this.options.dry !== true) { if (_this.options.exclude && excludedChildren.length) { childrenAfterExcluding.forEach(function(child) { rimraf.sync(child); }); } else { rimraf.sync(rimrafPath); } } _this.options.verbose && console.warn('clean-webpack-plugin: ' + rimrafPath + ' has been removed.'); _this.options.verbose && excludedChildren.length && console.warn('clean-webpack-plugin: ' + excludedChildren.length + ' file(s) excluded - ' + excludedChildren.join(', ')); excludedChildren.length ? results.push({ path: rimrafPath, output: 'removed with exclusions (' + excludedChildren.length + ')' }) : results.push({ path: rimrafPath, output: 'removed' }); }); return results; }; CleanWebpackPlugin.prototype.apply = function(compiler) { var _this = this; if (compiler === undefined) { return clean.call(_this); } else { if (_this.options.watch) { compiler.plugin("compile", function(params) { clean.call(_this); }); } else { return clean.call(_this); } } }; module.exports = CleanWebpackPlugin;