# [postcss][postcss]-filter-plugins [][ci]
> Exclude/warn on duplicated PostCSS plugins.
## Install
With [npm](https://npmjs.org/package/postcss-filter-plugins) do:
$ npm install postcss-filter-plugins --save
## Example
Note that this plugin does not actually transform your CSS; instead, it ensures
that plugins in the PostCSS instance are not duplicated. It is intended to be
used by plugin packs such as [cssnano] or [cssnext].
var counter = postcss.plugin('counter', function () {
return function (css) {
css.eachDecl('foo', function (decl) {
let value = parseInt(decl.value, 10);
value += 1;
decl.value = String(value);
var css = 'h1 { foo: 1 }';
var out = postcss([
// => h1 { foo: 2 }
// Note that you will get a PostCSS warning in the message registry
## API
### filterPlugins([options])
#### options
##### direction
Type: `string`
Default: `'both'`
Pass `'forward'`, `'backward'`, or `'both'` to customise the direction in which the
plugin will look in the plugins array. See the [tests] for examples on how this
postcss([ filter({
direction: 'forward'
}) ]).process(css).css);
##### exclude
Type: `array`
Default: `[] (empty)`
Plugins that should be excluded from the filter. Pass an array of plugin names.
postcss([ filter({
exclude: ['postcss-cssstats']
}) ]).process(css).css);
##### silent
Type: `boolean`
Default: `false`
Set this to true to disable the plugin from emitting any PostCSS warnings.
postcss([ filter({
silent: true
}) ]).process(css).css);
##### template
Type: `function`
Default: `format function`
This function will be passed each PostCSS plugin object. You are expected to
return a string from each call, which is then used to warn the user about her
duplicated plugins.
postcss([ filter({
template: function (plugin) {
return 'Duplicate plugin found: ' + plugin.postcssPlugin;
}) ]).process(css).css);
## Usage
See the [PostCSS documentation](https://github.com/postcss/postcss#usage) for
examples for your environment.
## Contributors
Thanks goes to these wonderful people ([emoji key](https://github.com/kentcdodds/all-contributors#emoji-key)):
| [
Ben Briggs](http://beneb.info)
[💻](https://github.com/postcss/postcss-filter-plugins/commits?author=ben-eb) [📖](https://github.com/postcss/postcss-filter-plugins/commits?author=ben-eb) 👀 [⚠️](https://github.com/postcss/postcss-filter-plugins/commits?author=ben-eb) | [
Maxime Thirouin](https://moox.io/)
[📖](https://github.com/postcss/postcss-filter-plugins/commits?author=MoOx) | [
Andreas Lind](https://github.com/papandreou)
[💻](https://github.com/postcss/postcss-filter-plugins/commits?author=papandreou) |
| :---: | :---: | :---: |
This project follows the [all-contributors](https://github.com/kentcdodds/all-contributors) specification.
Contributions of any kind welcome!
## License
MIT © [Ben Briggs](http://beneb.info)
[ci]: https://travis-ci.org/postcss/postcss-filter-plugins
[cssnano]: http://cssnano.co
[cssnext]: http://cssnext.io
[postcss]: https://github.com/postcss/postcss
[tests]: src/__tests__