/*! * FileInput Chinese Traditional Translations * * This file must be loaded after 'fileinput.js'. Patterns in braces '{}', or * any HTML markup tags in the messages must not be converted or translated. * * @see http://github.com/kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput * @author kangqf * * NOTE: this file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding. */ (function ($) { "use strict"; $.fn.fileinputLocales['zh-TW'] = { fileSingle: '單一檔案', filePlural: '複選檔案', browseLabel: '瀏覽 …', removeLabel: '移除', removeTitle: '清除選取檔案', cancelLabel: '取消', cancelTitle: '取消上傳中檔案', uploadLabel: '上傳', uploadTitle: '上傳選取檔案', msgNo: '沒有', msgNoFilesSelected: '', msgCancelled: '取消', zoomTitle: '詳細資料', msgZoomModalHeading: '內容預覽', msgFileRequired: 'You must select a file to upload.', msgSizeTooSmall: 'File "{name}" ({size} KB) is too small and must be larger than {minSize} KB.', msgSizeTooLarge: '檔案 "{name}" ({size} KB) 大小超過上限 {maxSize} KB.', msgFilesTooLess: '最少必須選擇 {n} {files} 來上傳. ', msgFilesTooMany: '上傳的檔案數量 ({n}) 超過最大檔案上傳限制 {m}.', msgFileNotFound: '檔案 "{name}" 未發現!', msgFileSecured: '安全限制,禁止讀取檔案 "{name}".', msgFileNotReadable: '文件 "{name}" 不可讀取.', msgFilePreviewAborted: '檔案 "{name}" 預覽中止.', msgFilePreviewError: '讀取 "{name}" 發生錯誤.', msgInvalidFileName: 'Invalid or unsupported characters in file name "{name}".', msgInvalidFileType: '檔案類型錯誤 "{name}". 只能使用 "{types}" 類型的檔案.', msgInvalidFileExtension: '附檔名錯誤 "{name}". 只能使用 "{extensions}" 的檔案.', msgFileTypes: { 'image': 'image', 'html': 'HTML', 'text': 'text', 'video': 'video', 'audio': 'audio', 'flash': 'flash', 'pdf': 'PDF', 'object': 'object' }, msgUploadAborted: '該文件上傳被中止', msgUploadThreshold: 'Processing...', msgUploadBegin: 'Initializing...', msgUploadEnd: 'Done', msgUploadEmpty: 'No valid data available for upload.', msgValidationError: '驗證錯誤', msgLoading: '載入第 {index} 個檔案,共 {files} …', msgProgress: '載入第 {index} 個檔案,共 {files} - {name} - {percent}% 成功.', msgSelected: '{n} {files} 選取', msgFoldersNotAllowed: '只支援單檔拖曳! 無法使用 {n} 拖拽的資料夹.', msgImageWidthSmall: '圖檔寬度"{name}"必須至少為{size}像素(px).', msgImageHeightSmall: '圖檔高度"{name}"必須至少為{size}像素(px).', msgImageWidthLarge: '圖檔寬度"{name}"不能超過{size}像素(px).', msgImageHeightLarge: '圖檔高度"{name}"不能超過{size}像素(px).', msgImageResizeError: '無法獲取的圖像尺寸調整。', msgImageResizeException: '錯誤而調整圖像大小。
', msgAjaxError: 'Something went wrong with the {operation} operation. Please try again later!', msgAjaxProgressError: '{operation} failed', ajaxOperations: { deleteThumb: 'file delete', uploadThumb: 'file upload', uploadBatch: 'batch file upload', uploadExtra: 'form data upload' }, dropZoneTitle: '拖曳檔案至此 …', dropZoneClickTitle: '
(or click to select {files})', fileActionSettings: { removeTitle: '刪除檔案', uploadTitle: '上傳檔案', zoomTitle: '詳細資料', dragTitle: 'Move / Rearrange', indicatorNewTitle: '尚未上傳', indicatorSuccessTitle: '上傳成功', indicatorErrorTitle: '上傳失敗', indicatorLoadingTitle: '上傳中 ...' }, previewZoomButtonTitles: { prev: 'View previous file', next: 'View next file', toggleheader: 'Toggle header', fullscreen: 'Toggle full screen', borderless: 'Toggle borderless mode', close: 'Close detailed preview' } }; })(window.jQuery);